Data licence charges

Please note that from the 1st April 2024 our fees have increased by around 5%

Where the data is required in GIS format for a large geographic area (search areas greater than a 10km square or 1000ha, or a 5km buffer around a site), a data licence can be provided. The charge for a data licence is based on the time taken to extract the data, plus a contribution towards the annual costs of collating and managing the TVERC database.

The data licence will be granted for one calendar year, after which the data should be deleted (unless a new data licence is agreed)

The datasets provided will be the same as those provided to our funding partners and be updated on the same schedule. Bespoke datasets will incur an additional charge.

Please note that there is a £68 base charge for all requests. 

Standard Rate charges

For commercial companies and governmental bodies using the data for ANY purpose,
and for charitable organisations using the data for commercial purposes.

The below charges are prior to the addition of VAT, currently 20%

For areas smaller than a county, the following charges will apply. The total charge will be the sum of the amounts for each administrative boundary which fall within the search areas. Unless that is smaller than the minimum charge for that dataset, in which case the minimum charge will apply.

Reduced Rate 1

For large charities and social enterprises (using the information for conservation purposes and with an annual turnover of over £500k)
and Parish/Town Councils

* For areas larger than 1 District / City but smaller than 1 County, the charge will be multiplied by the number of administrative areas which fall within the search area.

Reduced Rate 2

For medium-sized charities and social enterprises (using the information for conservation purposes and with an annual turnover between £100k and £500k)

* For areas larger than 1 District / City but smaller than 1 County, the charge will be multiplied by the number of administrative areas which fall within the search area.

Reduced Rate 3

For small charities and social enterprises (using the information for conservation purposes and with an annual turnover of less than £100k)