About us

Native bluebells - Hyacinthoides non-scripta


We live in a better environment because decisions are made using our data and insight.


We are impartial environmental data scientists who collect, manage, analyse and share data in Oxfordshire and Berkshire so people can make sound decisions that protect and enhance our environment.

Who we are

Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) is the only organisation in Berkshire and Oxfordshire providing a comprehensive ecological information hub through which critical knowledge can be shared to support scientific research and responsible decision-making.

TVERC is at the centre of a network of recorders and data-users in Berkshire and Oxfordshire and is the regional delivery node of the National Biodiversity Network.

TVERC is a not-for-profit organisation run by a partnership and are one of a national network of local records centres. We are a member of the Association of Local Records Centres (ALERC) and the National Biodiversity Network (NBN). All those contributing to TVERC help manage our environmental resources sustainably for current and future use.

What we do

We provide our funding partners with annually updated species and sites information as GIS tables, and undertake surveys of local wildlife sites. We also carry out data analysis for the monitoring of local authority Local Plans.

We provide information to parish councils, local people, conservation bodies, land-owners, students and commercial organisations such as ecological consultants and utilities companies via data searches, data licensing and data exchanges. Please see the Data Search Enquiries page for more information on data searches, data licensing and data exchanges.

We encourage and support individuals and communities to recognise the importance of recording environmental information so people can make sound decisions that protect and enhance our environment.

We provide other services such as ecological surveys, data analysis & presentation, training on GIS and ecology and production of promotional leaflets. Examples of some of the work we have undertaken can be seen on the Services page.

Our records

We hold over 4.5 million records of flora and fauna in Berkshire and Oxfordshire plus information about Local Wildlife and Geological Sites, NERC Act S41 Habitats of Principal Importance (previously called UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) habitats) and Ecological Networks (Conservation Target Areas and Biodiversity Opportunity Areas).

We collect this data from the general public, skilled volunteer /amateur recorders, professionals working for wildlife charities (BBOWT and RSPB), professionals working for government agencies (the Environment Agency & local authorities) and ecological consultants.

See our Data quality page for more information on how we manage, verify and validate data.

Find out more on how you can help collect data.

What the information is used for

This information is used:

  • by planning authorities and developers to make informed decisions on the design and location of sustainable development
  • to help farmers, land-owners and conservation organisations manage land in the best way to enhance biodiversity
  • by nature partnerships to direct wildlife conservation work
  • by teachers, students and scientists for education and scientific research.

How TVERC is funded

TVERC is funded in a number of ways, through funding partners, commercial sales of our services and a small proportion through donations.

Our funding partners include all the local authorities in Oxfordshire and Berkshire plus the Environment Agency. We also work closely with the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT). These partners contribute to the overall collection, processing and distribution of environmental information so there are efficiencies of scale which provide excellent value-for money.