How TVERC deals with names of recorders and determiners

The name of the recorder (and possibly also determiner) of a species record is an important piece of information that is attached to every species record in the TVERC database. It allows us to understand more about the origin of a record, and if necessary, even contact the recorder retrospectively to find out more about a record.

However, TVERC is aware that in some circumstances, dependent on what other information is included with the record, that it may become a piece of personal data which is therefore subject to GDPR regulations. TVERC has therefore taken the decision that it will no longer provide recorder or determiner details in any data it supplies to third parties.

The only exception to this will be in rare cases when national or local experts question the verification of a record and providing recorder/determiner details will positively help in deciding whether the record is correct or not. Although TVERC won’t provide actual recorder or determiner names, we do provide our partners and enquirers with limited information in the form of the survey origin of a record. This gives the end user some idea of the group, organisation or kind of recorder providing the record.

Posted: December 7, 2023